Wednesday, June 29

Fresh Produce

Crookneck squash from the garden...

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Thursday, June 23


Three to go into the pickle bath.

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Wednesday, June 22

Road trip day eight

I think I love Palm Springs. Well no, it's too perfect.
Lunch was a shrimp taco...

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Location:World Way,Los Angeles,United States

Road trip day seven

Started out looking for javelinas in Honeybee State Park. Slippery, dusty hike into the canyon, no javelinas but Zed almost stepped on a big diamond back rattler!

Then on to Biosphere 2. Wow, what a waste. Hope we're not paying for this. I thought it was like a giant greenhouse... Nope, a greenhouse would've been better maintained. And it was pretty darn hot.

Lunch at In & Out, number 2, animal style.

Hours on route 10 again. Dinner at Cary Grant's (Copley's) and it was goooood. Almost time to go back home....

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Monday, June 20

Road trip day six

New Mexico: spinach and artichoke enchilada, yum!

Fourth day on route 10 with nothing in sight but dusty dry earth
Lots of wind ...let's get some windmills here

Arizona: spending the night in Tucson. Just ate a Sonoran hotdog... it was good but all I can think about is ecoli! Uh oh!

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Sunday, June 19

Road trip day five

River walk
Third day driving across Texas on Route 10
Hot hot hot
BBQ at Rudy's just outside San Antonio
Spending the night in Van Horn at the El Capitan Hotel:

According to the excellent Architecture in Texas 1895-1945 by Jay C. Henry, the El Capitan was perhaps the finest example of Pueblo Revival Style in Texas. Examples are rare, and it's entirely possible that the building is the last of its kind in Texas.

In the 1920s, architecture was changing to accommodate the independent motorist. Gas stations and out-of-the-way hotels opened up where it was unthinkable just a few years earlier. Their remote locations made them full-service out of necessity, but in a few years, "tourist courts" made their appearance and then motor hotels. The two words became motel after WWII, although there are a few photographs showing the word in use as early as 1936.

The Pueblo Revival Style enjoyed greater popularity in New Mexico, than Texas. The Franciscan Hotel in Albuquerque, built by the same architects of the El Capitan was the high-water mark of this style in 1921.

While the Franciscan has been razed, another example of this style is found in Marfa. The El Paisano was constructed by Trost and Trost in 1926. The
Paisano is still open at 207 N. Highland in Marfa, with 9 rooms for rent.

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Saturday, June 18

Road trip day four

Beer Can House, Houston

Lunch at Canes, a local chicken finger place in Louisiana and then a long drive to San Antonio, TX. On the way we saw the Museum of Printing History and the Beer Can House in Houston. And it is hot. It's over 100* ...sorta hot for 9pm.

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Friday, June 17

Road trip day three

At the Jimmie Rodgers Museum in Meridian, Mississippi we met Jimmie's nephew who is now close to 90 years old. He came in while we were there. Dinner at Emerils in New Orleans wasn't anything to write home about. Now resting for the night in Baton Rouge, LA.

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Thursday, June 16

Road trip day two

Today went through South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. Highlight was our surprise visit to the one and only Laurel and Hardy Museum in Harlem, Georgia where Ollie was born. Dinner at Auburn university with Professor Kelly Jolley (see NYT magazine, September 19, 2008).

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Wednesday, June 15

Road trip day one

Smooth sailing through Virginia and North Carolina now in Columbia, SouthCarolina which looks lovely. BBQ for lunch and dinner, not sure we need anymore, see photos.

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Thursday, June 2

Destination Unknown

Abkhazia considers itself an independent state, called the Republic of Abkhazia. This status is recognized by Russia, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Nauru and Vanuatu and also by South Ossetia and Transnistria. No, this is not a joke.

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It's June

And the fireflies are back....

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