Saturday, July 31

Want To Join?

Don't ask how I found out that Bewitched fans have a Book Club!
Throughout the series, books added to the comedy on Bewitched through action (Darrin levitating a novel with his gifted powers), amusing titles (The Stephens’ burglar finds their book on “the criminal mind”), or as a source of Tabitha’s storybook playmates and adventures (Bobby the Dodo Bird, Sleeping Beauty, Jack & The Beanstalk, Hansel & Gretel).

At times, books also added to the supernatural element (Clara’s ancient book of curses & spells, and the Apothecary’s dusty old book of remedies).

With the advent of digital remastering of Bewitched episodes for DVD, more and more of the Stephens’ omnibus has become easier on the eyes and various titles have been spotted by viewers.
by Arfies, Maurine, Wizzy, Ling Ling, CosmosCotillion and Joe

In # 15 "A Vision of Sugar Plums," Samantha reads the classic fairytale "Tom Thumb" at bedtime to her Christmas guest, Michael. This German story titled "Daumesdick" was included in the collections "Kinder und Hausmarchen" (Children's and Household Tales, 1812-15) by brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. The book is translated by Mrs. EV Lucas, Lucy Crane, and Marian Edwardes. It is illustrated by Fritz Kredel of the Junior Library, and published by Grosset & Dunlap, NY, MCMXLV.

Mrs. EV Lucas was the wife of the prolific writer I met on July 21st, EV Lucas. Coincidence?

My First Chihuly

It was a bit overwhelming.
It is in Columbus, Indiana. I've been there twice.

Friday, July 30

Points Continued

+Happiness is not a goal; it is a by-product. -Eleanor Roosevelt
+My advice to you is not to inquire why or whither, but just enjoy your ice cream while it's on your plate. -Thornton Wilder
+The nice part about being a pessimist is that you are constantly being either proven right or pleasantly surprised. -George Will (Conversely, optimists suffer with secret rage from being constantly disappointed. -AJ)
+It is far more impressive when others discover your good qualities without your help. -Judith Martin
+When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained. -Mark Twain
+Talking much about oneself can also be a means to conceal oneself. -Friedrich Nietzsche
+Life itself is a quotation. -Jorge Luis Borges
+If your head is wax, don't walk in the sun. -Benjamin Franklin
+A handful of patience is worth more than a bushel of brains. -Dutch Proverb
+I have noticed that the people who are late are often so much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.
E. V. Lucas
+It's so easy to be wicked without knowing it, isn't it?
-L. M. Montgomery
+Life is like an ever-shifting kaleidoscope - a slight change, and all patterns alter. -Sharon Salzberg
+A pound of pluck is worth a ton of luck. -James A. Garfield
+It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man. -H. L. Mencken
+The highest result of education is tolerance. -Helen Keller
+I've been young so long I don't know how to be old. -Jane Adams
+Over the years your bodies become walking autobiographies, telling friends and strangers alike of the minor and major stresses of your lives. -Marilyn Ferguson
+I like life. It's something to do. -Ronnie Shakes
+An economist is an expert who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn't happen today. -Laurence J. Peter
+A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons from the past, he is one who is prematurely disappointed in the future. -Sidney J. Harris
+What you don't see with your eyes, don't invent with your mouth. -Jewish Proverb
+It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts. -John Wooden

Thursday, July 29

Green Soap?

One way to cut down on waste: remove the middle from the bar of soap.


My dreams are more interesting than my life.
And I didn't even see the movie.


I'd say it was my liver if I were French.
(third conditional tense)

Did She Or Didn't She?

"Come walk with me along the sea where dusk sits on the land, and search with me for shells are free and treasures hide in sand." ~ V. Boswell

Maine (cont.)

I bet no one ever sits in these chairs at Stonewall Kitchen in York, Maine.

The back garden at Harraseeket Inn in Freeport.

What more can I say when we know it's the way life should be.

Saturday, July 24


Portland - good shopping

Wednesday, July 21

"What A Life": E.V. Lucas (1868-1938)

Paraphrased from Wikipedia:
Edward Verrall Lucas was a versatile and popular English writer whose style is generally found insipid by contemporary readers. Some of his cricket writing has lasted but he is now remembered for his essays and books about London and travel and his biography of Charles Lamb.

He wrote a lot of books:
Bernard Barton and his friends: a record of quiet lives (1893) Quaker biography
A Book of Verse for Children (1897)
The War of the Wenuses (1898) with C. L. Graves, parody of H. G. Wells's The War of the Worlds
Charles Lamb and the Lloyds (1898)
Willow and Leather (1898) cricket essays
The Open Road (1899) anthology
The Book of Shops (1899)
Four And Twenty Toilers (1900) poems
What Shall We Do Now? (1900) with Elizabeth Lucas, games book
Wisdom While You Wait (1903) with C. L. Graves, parody encyclopedia
Works and Letters of Charles and Mary Lamb (1903-5) editor
Highways and Byways in Sussex (1904)
The Life of Charles Lamb (1905) biography
The Friendly Town (1905)
A Wanderer in Holland (1905)
A Wanderer in London (1906)
Listener's Lure (1906)
Character and Comedy (1907)
A Swan and her Friends (1907 about Anna Seward
The Hambledon Men (1907) cricket
The Gentlest Art (1907) anthology of letters
Another Book of Verses for Children (1907)
Anne's Terrible Good Nature (1908)
Over Bemerton's (1908) novel
Hustled History, Or, As It Might Have Been (1908) with C. L. Graves
The Slowcoach (1908) fiction
Mr. Coggs and other songs for children (1908) with Liza Lehmann
A Wanderer in Paris (1909)
One Day and Another (1909)
Good Company - A Rally of Men (1909)
Sir Pulteney (1910) as E. D. Ward, fantasy
Mr Ingleside (1910) novel
The Second Post (1910) anthology of letters
Old Lamps for New (1911)
What a Life! (1911) with George Morrow
William Cowper's Letters (1911) editor
A Wanderer in Florence (1912)
London Lavender (1912)
A Little of Everything (1912)
Loiterer's Harvest (1913) essays
Swollen Headed William (1914) parody
A Wanderer in Venice (1914)
Landmarks (1914)
A Picked Company: being a selection of writings (1915) editor
Her Infinite Variety: A Feminine Portrait Gallery (1915) anthology
The Hausfrau Rampant (1916) novel
Cloud and Silver (1916)
The Vermilion Box (1916) novel
London Revisited (1916)
A Boswell of Baghdad (1917) essays
Twixt Eagle & Dove (1918)
The Phantom Journal (1919)
Quoth the Raven (1919)
Verena in the Midst (1920)
Roving East and Roving West (1921)
Edwin Austin Abbey, Royal Academician, The Record of His Life and Work (1921) biography
Rose and Rose (1922)
Vermeer of Delft (1922)
Giving and Receiving (1922)
Ginevra's Money (1922)
Advisory Ben (1923)
Luck of the Year (1923)
Michael Angelo (1924)
Rembrandt (1924)
A Wanderer among Pictures (1924)
Encounters and Diversions (1924)
The Same Star (1924) play
Zigzags in France (1925)
John Constable the Painter (1925)
Introducing London (1925)
Playtime & Company (1925)
A Wanderer in Rome (1926)
Events and Embroideries (1926)
365 Days and One More (1926)
Frans Hals (1926)
Twelve Songs From "Playtime & Company" (1926)
The Joy of Life (1927) anthology of popular poetry
A Fronded Isle (1927)
The More I See of Men (1927)
The Flamp and Other Stories (1927)
A Rover I Would Be (1928)
Out of a Clear Sky (1928)
Mr Punch's County Songs (1928)
The Colvins and their Friends (1928) biography
Windfall's Eye (1929)
Turning Things Over (1929) essays
If Dogs Could Write (1929) anthology
Down the Sky (1930)
Traveller’s Luck (1930) essays
And Such Small Deer (1931)
French Leaves (1931)
Visibility Good (1931)
Lemon Verbena (1932) essays
Reading, Writing, and Remembering (1932) (autobiography)
English Leaves (1933)
Saunterer's Rewards (1933)
Postbag Diversions (1933)
At the Shrine of St. Charles (1934) for Charles Lamb anniversary
Pleasure Trove (1935)
The Old Contemporaries (1935)
Only the Other Day (1936)
London Afresh (1937)
All of a Piece (1937)
As the Bee Sucks (1937)
Adventures and Misgivings (1938)
A Hundred Years of Trent Bridge (1938) editor
Cricket All His Life (1950) edited by Rupert Hart-Davis, cricket writing

Tuesday, July 20

Electric Ant

I was reminded of all the warning signs in Australia, wondering what an electric ant was. Was it an ant that lived behind electric switchplates?

From Wikipedia:
The electric ant, also known as the little fire ant, Wasmannia auropunctata, is a tiny (appprox 1.5 mm long), light to golden brown (ginger) social ant native to Central and South America, now spread to parts of Africa (including Gabon and Cameroon), North America, Israel, and six Pacific Island groups (including the Galápagos Islands, Hawaii, New Caledonia and the Solomon Islands) plus north-eastern Australia.
The name, electric ant (or little fire ant) derives from the ant's painful sting. This ant's impact in those environments and countries outside of its place of origin has been described as follows:
Wasmannia auropunctata .. is blamed for reducing species diversity, reducing overall abundance of flying and tree-dwelling insects, and eliminating arachnid populations. It is also known for its painful stings. On the Galapagos, it eats the hatchlings of tortoises and attacks the eyes and cloacae of the adult tortoises. It is considered to be perhaps the greatest ant species threat in the Pacific region.

Monday, July 19

Bo Again

Kim knew before I did that Bo was back there getting groomed. Moses, Kim and I went to the School to get some food. We saw the two guys sitting there (in suits, I thought they were Mormons) and Kim knew. They were the Secret Service guys waiting for Bo to finish his hair-dressing. She knew.

Friday, July 16

Rumble in the Suburbs

"A 3.6-magnitude earthquake with a center near Gaithersburg was reported around 5 a.m. Friday, and felt by as many as 3 million people in the Mid-Atlantic region, according to the United States Geological Survey."
Harry got me up at 4:52 so I was half-awake and thought a freight train went by our house. It trembled.

Wednesday, July 14

Butterflies Love the Butterfly Bush

Tiger Swallowtail butterflies (the official Virginia state butterfly) in the Clarendon House parking lot.

Wake Me When It's Over

Friday, July 9

"A Hen In The Wind"

Ozu's movie made in 1948- an absent husband, an abused wife (he pushes her down the stairs), a sick baby and prostitutes. It made me think about what hens have to do in the wind. What more could you want.

Thursday, July 8

Cream Cake

Cream, angel food cake, and blackberries - I saw this cake made on a Scandinavian cooking show.

Chopped Salad Topped with Bento Egg

Anonymous But Cute

I don't like to brag and I don't like to boast,
Said Peter T Hooper, but speaking of toast
And speaking of kitchens and ketchup and cake
And kettles and stoves and the stuff people bake...
Well I don't like to brag, but I'm telling you Liz,
That speaking of cooks, I'm the best that there is!
Why, only last Tuesday, when mother was out
I really cooked something worth talking about!


"Crepuscular is a term used to describe some animals that are primarily active during twilight, that is at dawn and at dusk. The word is derived from the Latin word crepusculum, meaning "twilight." Crepuscular is thus in contrast with diurnal and nocturnal behavior."

I love Lightning Bugs and like to believe they come for my birthday every year -like blue hydrangeas.

Tuesday, July 6

Bunny Bento Eggs

Sunday, July 4

Colorful Gems

These Farmers Market cherry tomatoes were not only beautiful they were delicious.

EZ Roast Halibut

1/2 lb halibut
8 cherry tomatoes, halved
1 pkg boursin cheese

Preheat oven to 400 F. Spray baking dish with Pam, place fish in dish, spread boursin over fish, top with halved tomatoes. Bake for 20 minutes (approx.) Delicious served with steamed fresh spinach.


Friday, July 2

Not For Me

"If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." - Mario Andretti
Sounds like someone I know who says "If you make every plane, you're not going late enough."

Thursday, July 1

Gotta Try It

Yup, I just bought some "banana sauce." Haven't decided what to do with it yet. Or even what it is.


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