Saturday, July 31

Want To Join?

Don't ask how I found out that Bewitched fans have a Book Club!
Throughout the series, books added to the comedy on Bewitched through action (Darrin levitating a novel with his gifted powers), amusing titles (The Stephens’ burglar finds their book on “the criminal mind”), or as a source of Tabitha’s storybook playmates and adventures (Bobby the Dodo Bird, Sleeping Beauty, Jack & The Beanstalk, Hansel & Gretel).

At times, books also added to the supernatural element (Clara’s ancient book of curses & spells, and the Apothecary’s dusty old book of remedies).

With the advent of digital remastering of Bewitched episodes for DVD, more and more of the Stephens’ omnibus has become easier on the eyes and various titles have been spotted by viewers.
by Arfies, Maurine, Wizzy, Ling Ling, CosmosCotillion and Joe

In # 15 "A Vision of Sugar Plums," Samantha reads the classic fairytale "Tom Thumb" at bedtime to her Christmas guest, Michael. This German story titled "Daumesdick" was included in the collections "Kinder und Hausmarchen" (Children's and Household Tales, 1812-15) by brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm. The book is translated by Mrs. EV Lucas, Lucy Crane, and Marian Edwardes. It is illustrated by Fritz Kredel of the Junior Library, and published by Grosset & Dunlap, NY, MCMXLV.

Mrs. EV Lucas was the wife of the prolific writer I met on July 21st, EV Lucas. Coincidence?

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