Monday, October 18

Lychee Pork With Forbidden Rice

I sometimes get badgered for not using my impulsive "gourmet goodie" purchases filling up my pantry. Here's how I used my can of lychees yesterday.

Lychee Pork With Forbidden Rice

6 boneless pork loin chops (taking up space in my small freezer)
3 T soy sauce
3 T cornstarch
3 T peanut oil

Cut chops into 1 inch chunks (while partially frozen, it's easier). Marinate in soy sauce for about one hour. Dust with cornstarch. Heat peanut oil in wok and fry dusted pork chunks till brown. Save the leftover slurry marinade.

Remove pork from wok. Set aside. Add to wok:

2 carrots, cut into 1/4 inch diagonally slices
1 red bell pepper, cut into 1/4 inch squares

Saute for couple of minutes till carrots are tender then add:
lychees, drained and cut in half

And mixture of:

1 T dry sherry
3 T hoisin sauce
4 T lychee juice, from can
leftover marinade slurry (add about 1/4 cup water)

Heat through till pork is cooked - about 5 minutes. Top with:
3 scallions, sliced on the diagonal
2 T toasted sesame seeds

Serve with Forbidden Rice [1 cup Jasmine Rice (uncooked) mixed with only 1-2 T black rice (also uncooked) - this is enough to turn the rice purplish. Cook as you normally would.] My 10 lb. bag of black rice is going to last a long time!

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