Thursday, December 30

Better Late Than Never

I finally broke out the "Kramer" knife I got for Christmas 2008. Yup, it took that long and I'm sorry now. It's fantastic and I may never use my old favorite anymore. Now about that Bob Dylan Christmas CD I got for Christmas 2009...guess I should give that a try (not!!).

Sunday, December 26


Do you think Google can see the future? Oh no, that's the 8 ball.

Saturday, December 25

New Toy


You may not see me around much.
I'll be with my iPad.

Tuesday, December 21

Happy Winter

A Cold Early Morning View

Did You See It?

Sorry if you missed it. It's been 500 years since the last lunar eclipse on the Winter Solstice - if you didn't see it this time you'll have to wait until 2040. It was a little cold at 3 AM but worth it. Take a look...

Monday, December 20

My Dream Kitchen

But can I cook in it?
(Where do I put all my stuff?)


Above: San Francisco writer and renaissance man Dave Eggers was an aspiring artist in his youth and supported himself after college as a cartoonist and illustrator; his sketchbook of animals, It Is Right to Draw Their Fur: Animal Renderings by Dave Eggers is $27.72 at Amazon.

Sunday, December 19


Country Captain Chicken

Chicken- 6 thighs and legs
Bacon- 2 rashers
1 onion, diced
Saute till chicken is browned
4 garlic cloves
28 oz chopped tomatoes
2 T grated ginger
1 T garam masala
1 T curry powder
1/4 cup currents

Mix all and add to chicken and onions
Cover and bake 325 for 1 hour
Top with toasted sliced almonds

Serve with rice and yogurt.

Thursday, December 16

Gingerbread House

Tuesday, December 14

R-ring, r-ring...

"Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you." - Fran Lebowitz
No one knows this more than I do.

Thursday, December 9

Kim's Gingerbread Man

"Run, run, as fast as you can!
You can't catch me!
I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

Thursday, December 2


From a favorite shopping site: See Jane Work:
A Little Trivia From Jane: “Bob’s Your Uncle” is a phrase commonly used in Britain to indicate success will come easily. It’s reputed to have originated from a 19th century politician, named Robert, who assigned his inexperienced nephew to a prestigious post in government.

Truer Words Never Spoken

The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. - Aesop


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