Sunday, May 16


I love discovering something i never knew existed. That's what "The Comic Strip Presents" is- was- one of those Brit skit humor spoofs (like a panto) that only they get. You may love it (or may think it's totally ridiculous). It depends how much of an Anglophile you are. I've only seen the first one and haven't reached a verdict yet. I'm thinking it may be an acquired taste. Here's a description from BBC:

From the moment the first film Five Go Mad in Dorset: a hilarious and merciless Enid Blyton parody screened on Channel 4's opening night it was plain that there was a new force in comedy, concentrating on matters social and political and steering clear of the then comedic standbys of sexism and racism.

In the ensuing episodes and series (many written by Richardson and Richens), The Comic Strip Presents... would cover everything from criminals on the run (Gino – Full Story and Pics) and the life story of an evil South African chatshow host (Eddie Monsoon – A Life?) to a Hollywood portrayal of the Miner's Strike (Strike).

After several series and specials for Channel 4, The Comic Strip... moved to the BBC in 1990

And yes, Dawn French and Jennifer Saunders are in it.

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