Wednesday, June 30

Baseball Cake

I made this cake for Jim's birthday tomorrow. Here's my recipe for a delicious easy frosting:

White Chocolate Cream Cheese Frosting

1 stick butter (softened)
1 8 oz. pkg cream cheese (softened)
1 box confectioners sugar (sifted)
6 oz. white chocolate chips (melted) (1/2 bag)
1 tsp vanilla
Beat well, spread on cooled cake, keep refrigerated.

Square Foot Pizza Garden

Here's the garden- can your see the red cherry tomatoes? Our scarecrow fell down again and is now in rehab. I just put up this new trellis for him to lean on. He's getting a name on Friday:
Sweet Pea or

Tuesday, June 29

"To See or Not To See"

"Human Nature"
A film by Charlie Kaufman ("Being John Malkovich")
"To see"
I liked it.

Here's what it's about:
A hairy woman, a scientist who teaches etiquette ( to mice), a fake French woman, an ape-man and revenge.
Piqued your interest?
See it.
Then tell me what it's about.

Pork in Lettuce Cups

I finally tried making stuffed lettuce cups - the kind you have as an appetizer at PF Changs.
Here's my recipe:

1 small package cellophane noodles
1 lb. ground pork
1 celery rib, diced
1 can water chestnuts, chopped
1 14 oz can baby corn, chopped
2 scallions, chopped
1 tsp crushed garlic
1 T minced ginger
1 T soy sauce
1 tsp sugar
2 T ground bean sauce
2 T fish sauce (nam pla)
juice of 1 lime
1 T sesame oil
1/2 tsp sriracha

Soak cellophane noodles in boiling water. Saute pork in wok, add celery, water chestnuts, corn, scallions. Cook about 2 minutes, add garlic and ginger and saute another minute. Scoop noodles from water - add to wok, don't worry about adding some water as well. Finally, add soy, sugar, bean sauce, fish sauce, lime juice, sesame oil and sriracha and cook till heated. Serve warm or at room temperature in lettuce cups. I used iceberg lettuce which proved to have leaves which were too big. The crunchiness was nice but I think butter lettuce leaves might be more manageable.


Wednesday, June 23

True Words About Google

"One thing life has taught me: if you are interested, you never have to look for new interests. They come to you. When you are genuinely interested in one thing, it will always lead to something else."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, June 22

SFG- Stage 4

Here's the scarecrow, yet to be named. He's guarding the tomatoes (there's lots of little green ones!).

Advice to McChrystal

I am convinced that the best service a retired general can perform is to turn in his tongue along with his suit, and to mothball his opinions.

Omar Nelson Bradley
1893-1981, American General
more famous quotes

Monday, June 21

One of My Favorite Visitors

The House Finch

A Penny For Your Thoughts

I wish each of you had a blog so I could see what you are thinking about when I am thinking about YOU. It's not fair that you get to see my pitiful penny thoughts and not share yours with me.

Sunday, June 20


Before I started watching Ozu movies I never gave this any thought.
From Wikipedia:
To sit seiza-style, one first kneels on the floor, folding one's legs underneath one's thighs, while resting the buttocks on the heels. The ankles are turned outward as the tops of the feet are lowered so that, in a slight "V" shape, the tops of the feet are flat on the floor and big toes are overlapped, and the buttocks are finally lowered all the way down.

Now how do I get up?

I'll Never Call My Husband Mr Thick-head.

Here's a memorable quote from Yasujiro Ozu’s movie: The Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice. “I'll never call my husband Mr. Thick-head." It was Setsuko’s retort to the ladies at the spa when she explains why she doesn’t want to be set up in an arranged marriage.

It starts out with four women, each on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Well, at least two of them were: Takae, the unhappy, lying, spoiled wife and the above mentioned Setsuko. They lie to sneak away to a spa where they sit around smoking and drinking sake. Overindulging! Comparing their husbands to the carp in the pool (Mr Thickhead)! It was Japan, 1952 and the film is a femi-Nazi milestone. It passes the so-called Bechdel Test (“a simple test which names the following three criteria: (1) it has to have at least two women in it, who (2) who talk to each other, about (3) something besides a man.”). So it turns out that Ozu was a “proto-feminist" - who knew? The Noriko trilogy (Late Spring, Early Summer, and Tokyo Story) includes female characters with independence and intelligence we wouldn't expect in '40s and '50s let alone in Japan. Don’t be deceived -in most of his other films the role of the wife is to help her husband change his clothes when he comes home from the office. The husband removes his suit, dumps it on the floor and changes into a kimono more suitable for relaxing at home. The wife predictably and silently picks up each item of clothing.

My curiosity about Ozu was piqued when I read “The Elegance of the Hedgehog.”. The protagonist was crazy about his films and upon my finding out that Ozu was a real person, a real director, I was motivated to see one of his films. I became hooked myself.

It turns out Yasujiro Ozu is a well-known Japanese film director who died in 1963 on his 60th birthday. His films focus on relationships- generational (fathers and daughters, mothers and sons), marriages (arranged and otherwise), children (often rebellious) and taboo (in the west) subjects such as abortion. (See Tokyo Twilight!!!)

One interesting and repetitive aspect of Ozu’s films is the perspective he uses for his shots. What I didn’t realize is that he “moved the camera less and less as his career progressed.” Maybe if I had watched his movies in chronological order I would’ve noticed that. Probably not. What is impossible not to notice is his invention of the ‘tatami shot’, in which the camera is placed at a low height, supposedly where it would be if one were kneeling on a tatami mat. Another feature in every film I have seen is the long hallway with people inevitably crossing the perspective point. I think he used the same hallway in each of his movies. Personally, I like these predictable techniques. I find the long still shots relaxing and perhaps a little boring. So different from the dizzy Ken Burns-esque zooming in and out.

Near the end of the movie (The Flavour of Green Tea Over Rice) Takae’s husband says that every marriage is like “rice flavoured by tea.” I haven’t figured that out yet but I'll think about it.

Friday, June 18

Peter, L.J.

Laurence J. Peter was a Canadian by birth, an educator by training. He was a professor at USC most famous for his Peter Principle; in a nutshell he said that "work is accomplished by those employees who have not yet reached their level of incompetence." Another of his notable quotations is that the "noblest of all dogs is the hot-dog; it feeds the hand that bites it."

30 Rock

I still think it's a stupid show.

Thursday, June 17

Real Steals

Have to shop more often at the Asian market- today punnets of blackberries and raspberries were 2 for $1. Bunches of scallions were 3 for $1. I didn't check the bananas but I should've bought more carrots.

The Game of Golf, I Mean Life


Life has rules.
Fourteen talents are the maximum allowed in one player's bag. Any number below 14 is fine, but more than 14 is not. Also, those 14 talents cannot be changed during the course of one lifetime. You must finish with the 14 you started with. However, if you begin with fewer than 14, you may add talents during a lifetime as long as no delay is caused and as long as the talent(s) added are not borrowed from another player. There's a penalty for breaking the 14 talent rule but I'll leave that to your imagination. Now aren't you glad you know this. Just in case.

Keeping Your Bag Filled
Make sure you start with 14 talents if you intend to play a game called “Pick Up Sticks” with your life partner. It seems that in this “game” your opponent can take away one of your talents (probably your favorite) if he wins the argument. And you can’t use that talent for the rest of the game. They say you’ll learn how to play more creatively because you’ll have to play with what you have which may not be the appropriate talent. In life, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all arguments, the messy footprints made by them and any nearby made by others before leaving earth. Also, any damage to relationships caused by life’s woes, any arguments caused by them and any damage to relationships made by the impact of these obstacles (whether or not made by the player himself) should be repaired. In any case, players should avoid causing damage to the course by removing obstacles when taking practice swings or when hitting your life partner’s talents into the ground, whether in anger or for any other reason. If a goal is within reasonable proximity, the putter should be used for this purpose. Try your best not to damage the earth when putting down your bag.

Play Nicely Now
Players should not stand too close to each other and should take care during an argument. The head of anything should not be used to remove anything from your partner. Don’t lean on your talents when arguing, particularly when removing your partner’s talents from the argument. Replace the nastiness in the argument before leaving the room. Local notices regulating your movements should and will be strictly observed.

The Full Monte
Three Talent Monte in life means that you get to pick just three talents to use during your lifetime. Of course, it really should be called Four Talent Monte because you are also allowed to use your putter in addition to the three you’ve chosen. But you cannot change your mind! They say it’s a good game to play in order to learn and practice half-shots, knock-downs and so forth. Whatever they are.

And what, may I ask, in life, is a putter? I think I need one.

Square Foot Pizza Garden

Catherine and Kim admiring the Garden.

The Full Monte

Three Club Monte in golf means that you get to pick just three clubs to use during the round. Of course, it really should be called Four Club Monte because you are allowed to use your putter in addition to the three you’ve chosen. But you cannot change your mind! They say it’s a good game to play in order to learn and practice half-shots, knock-downs and so forth. Whatever they are.

Play Nicely Now: Golf Etiquette

In golf, players should carefully fill up and smooth over all holes and footprints made by them and any nearby made by others before leaving the bunker.
What's a bunker? A "bunker" is a hazard that is a hole or depression that has been filled in with sand. Bunkers vary greatly in size and shape and depth. They are most commonly found serving as greenside hazards, but also often show up in fairways and alongside fairways. In the vernacular, one might hear reference to a "grass bunker," a hollowed-out area or depression in which, rather than sand, there is simply more (often deeper) grass. However, a "grass bunker" is not technically a bunker, because it is not a hazard under the rules. It's simply akin to rough.
Also, any damage to the putting green caused by golf shoes, any divot holes made by them and any damage to the putting green made by the impact of a ball (whether or not made by the player himself) should be repaired. In any case, players should avoid causing damage to the course by removing divots when taking practice swings or by hitting the head of a club into the ground, whether in anger or for any other reason. If a rake is within reasonable proximity of the bunker, the rake should be used for this purpose. Try your best not to damage the putting green when putting down your bag or the flagstick.
What’s a flagstick? The "flagstick" is a movable straight indicator, with or without bunting or other material attached, centered in the hole to show its position. It must be circular in cross-section. Padding or shock absorbent material that might unduly influence the movement of the ball is prohibited.
Players and caddies should not stand too close to the hole and should take care during the handling of the flagstick and the removal of a ball from the hole. The head of a club should not be used to remove a ball from the hole. Don’t lean on your club when on the putting green, particularly when removing the ball from the hole. Replace the flagstick in the hole before leaving the putting green. Local notices regulating the movement of golf carts should be strictly observed.

Wednesday, June 16

Keeping Your Bag Full (re.Golf)

Make sure you start with 14 clubs if you intend to play a game called “Pick Up Sticks” with your golf partner. It seems that in this “game” your opponent can take away one of your clubs (probably your favorite) if he wins the hole. And you can’t use that club for the rest of the game. They say you’ll learn how to play more creatively because you’ll have to play with what you have which may not be the appropriate club.


Z would not bring any of this back from Germany so I had to find it here to try it out. Surprisingly good even with a regular frank (albeit a good one from the German Store) -a piquant sweetness absent in the usual Heinz: I don't taste any "curry" flavor at all.

Tuesday, June 15


Golf has rules.

Fourteen clubs are the maximum allowed in one player's bag. Any number below 14 is fine, but more than 14 is not. Also, those 14 clubs cannot be changed during the course of one round. You must finish with the 14 you started with.

However, if you begin with fewer than 14, you may add clubs during a round as long as no delay is caused and as long as the club(s) added are not borrowed from another player. There's a penalty for breaking the 14 club rule but I'll leave that to your imagination. Now aren't you glad you know this. Just in case.

Lick Me


Monday, June 14

Pendulum Clock

Pendulum Clock: "Keep track of the time with this stylish pendulum clock. Edit the settings of the clock to change the color and to make it tick and play Westminster Chimes."

Happy Flag Day

What's A Jerk?

"Strictly Personal" was a syndicated newspaper column from the '40s to the '80s written by Sidney J. Harris. I particularly like this one from 1961:

A Jerk

I don't know whether history repeats itself, but biography certainly does. The other day, Michael came in and asked me what a "jerk" was--the same question Carolyn put to me a dozen years ago.

At that time, I fluffed her off with some inane answer, such as, "A jerk isn't a very nice person," but both of us knew it was an unsatisfactory reply. When she went to bed, I began trying to work up a suitable definition.

It is a marvelously apt word, of course. Until it was coined, there was really no single word in English to describe the kind of person who is a jerk--"boob" and "simp" were too old hat, and besides they really didn’t fit, for they could be lovable, and a jerk never is.

Thinking it over, I decided that a jerk is basically a person without insight. He is not necessarily a fool or a dope, because some extremely clever persons can be jerks. In fact, it has little to do with intelligence as we commonly think of it; it is, rather, a kind of subtle but persuasive aroma emanating from the inner part of the personality.

I know a college president who can be described only as a jerk. He is not an unintelligent man, nor unlearned, nor even unschooled in the social amenities. Yet he is a jerk cum laude, because of a fatal flaw in his nature--he is totally incapable of looking into the mirror of his soul and shuddering at what he sees there.

A jerk, then, is a man (or woman) who is utterly unable to see himself as he appears to others. He has no grace, he is tactless without meaning to be, he is a bore even to his best friends, he is an egotist without charm. All of us are egotists to some extent, but most of us--unlike the jerk--are perfectly and horribly aware of it when we make asses of ourselves. The jerk never knows.

Surprise Surprise

Barbara Bush Jr and Jenna Bush seem like really nice people. Laura must have done something right. Take a look at this Fox interview. Change you can believe in.

Friday, June 11

Past Points To Ponder

+Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.
-John Wooden

+I catnap now and then, but I think while I nap, so it's not a waste of time. -Martha Stewart

+You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll be left with nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering. -Meredith Willson

+If you cannot convince them, confuse them. -Harry S Truman

+It is very strange that the years teach us patience - that the shorter our time, the greater our capacity for waiting. -Elizabeth Taylor

+I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out. -Arthur Hays Sulzberger

+There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness.
-Franz Kafka

+People find life entirely too time-consuming. -Stanislaw J. Lec

+It is cruel to discover one's mediocrity only when it is too late. -W. Somerset Maugham

+Make sure you have finished speaking before your audience has finished listening. –Dorothy Sarnoff

Thursday, June 10

Ozu Movies

Here's a list of all Ozu's movies -in chronological order (unfortunately most of the early ones are lost). I will try to mark(*) those I have seen-if I can remember correctly.

Sword of Penitence
Dreams of Youth
Wife Lost
A Couple on the Move
Body Beautiful
Treasure Mountain
Days of Youth
Fighting Friends Japanese Style
I Graduated, But...
The Life of an Office Worker
A Straightforward Boy
An Introduction to Marriage
Walk Cheerfully
I Flunked, But...
That Night's Wife
The Revengeful Spirit of Eros
The Luck Which Touched the Leg
Young Miss
The Lady and the Beard
Beauty's Sorrows
Tokyo Chorus*
Spring Comes from the Ladies
I Was Born, But...**
Where Now Are the Dreams of Youth?
Until the Day We Meet Again
Woman of Tokyo
Dragnet Girl
Passing Fancy*
A Mother Should Be Loved
A Story of Floating Weeds**
An Innocent Maid
An Inn in Tokyo
College is a Nice Place
The Only Son*
What Did the Lady Forget?
Brothers and Sisters of the Toda Family
There Was a Father
Record of a Tenement Gentleman*
A Hen in the Wind
Late Spring*
The Munekata Sisters
Early Summer*
The Flavor of Green Tea over Rice*
Tokyo Story**
Early Spring*
Tokyo Twilight***
Equinox Flower*
Good Morning*
Floating Weeds*
Late Autumn*
The End of Summer*
An Autumn Afternoon*
(54 in total)
*-those I have seen
**-my favorites
*** -this film will convert you if you are not already a fan

Wednesday, June 9

Signed, Sealed (?) and Delivered

This is one of my birthday presents...

(the first batch already eaten).
And my new signature...

Tuesday, June 8

Add to My Bucket List

Can't see gegenschein because of all the damn light pollution.
From Wikipedia:
Like the zodiacal light, the gegenschein is sunlight reflected by interplanetary dust. Most of this dust is orbiting the sun in about the ecliptic plane, with a possible concentration of particles at the L2 Earth-Sun Lagrangian point.
It is distinguished from zodiacal light by its high angle of reflection of the incident sunlight on the dust particles. It forms a slightly more luminous, oval glow directly opposite the Sun within the band of luminous zodiacal light. The intensity of the gegenschein is (relatively) enhanced because each dust particle is seen in full phase.

Or for that matter zodiacal light either.

Monday, June 7

Stop! Do Not Pass Go! Go Directly to...

The TV, for what should arrive today but a

package in a plain brown wrapper. From Hong Kong. Three(!!!) unavailable (I thought) Ozu movies that I have not seen! I am in 7th (what happened to the first six?) heaven. Excuse me, gotta go... to the TV.

PS. Who sent these?
PPS. I know you did. Thank you.

Friday, June 4

Cute, Cute, Cute!

An Airedale babysits six Scottie puppies.


The first squash blossom.

Not Quite Ripe

The "Pizza Garden" is coming along nicely. Unfortunately the squash leaves are so big they are completely shading the marjoram - we even have 1 squash blossom!



Tuesday, June 1

What Do You Think?

Am I too old to have PPD?


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