Saturday, August 14

Daviess or Daveiss

Owensboro, Kentucky has my favorite barbecue, Moonlite Bar-B-Q, where the pork is meltingly delicious and the sauce has just the right amount of vinegar for tang.

Down the road from Moonlite we went to the Bluegrass Museum (Kentucky is the birthplace of Bill Monroe) and on the way we noticed the name of the county, Daviess. We thought maybe there was an extra "s" which made it difficult to figure out the pronunciation. It turns out there was a misspelling but it wasn't that...

Seems that the county was named after Major Joseph Hamilton Daveiss (March 4, 1774 – November 6, 1811). He commanded the Indiana Militia at the Battle of Tippecanoe. Although the correct spelling of his name appears to be "Daveiss", it is uniformly spelled "Daviess" in places named for him.

At a young age he moved to Danville, Kentucky with his parents. Daveiss is said to have been the first lawyer west of the Appalachian Mountains to argue a case before the United States Supreme Court. He married Chief Justice John Marshall's sister Nancy, returned to Kentucky and served as United States District Attorney for Kentucky.

In 1806, Daveiss brought treason charges against Burr in Kentucky. The charges were, however, dismissed thanks to the help of Burr's attorney, Henry Clay. Five years later, while Daveiss was in the Indiana militia, he was mortally wounded in an Indian attack. He later died.

We are still not sure how to pronounce the name of the county.


Spent last night in the odd shaped hotel. It was a little squishy in the triangular shower and the 2 foot square elevator.

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