Thursday, November 4

Cheer Up, It's Raining

Hope this puts a little smile on your face:

Women over 50! 
In case you missed it on 60 Minutes, this is what Andy Rooney thinks about women over 50.   
60 Minutes Correspondent Andy Rooney (CBS):  “As I grow in age, I value women over 50 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why:
A woman over 50 will never wake you in the middle of the night & ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think.

...blah, blah, blah...

Women over 50 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you, if they think they can get away with it.
Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated.
Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 50.

For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?’ Here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!”
 Andy Rooney is a really smart guy!

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